ServerNPC: How actions works
There is 5 type of action that can be used in the plugin
msg: To send a message to player
cmd: To use a command
sound: To send a sound to player
wait: Delaying the action
server: To Connect a server
/npc action (npc-name) add (true/false - Use by Console or Player) (none/permission - To set Permission) cmd:/say I'm %player% hello all
(true: command will enter by console) ('!' permission can be use for negetive) (%player% is ServerNPC placeholder but placeholdersapi support) (false: player will enter the command)
CMD Exampel:
Player will send greating to server by intracting the npc
/npc action test add false none cmd:/say I'm %player% hello all ('/' Is needed if the command enterer is player 'false') (Permission matter because Player Need To have the permissions)
Player will send greating to server by intracting the npc but need permission you can give 'say.hello' to players that you don't want to intract with npc
/npc action test add say.hello none cmd:/say I'm %player% hello all ('/' Is needed if the command enterer is player 'false')
Player will send greating to server by intracting the npc but most not have the need permission you can give 'say.hello' to players that you don't want to intract with npc
/npc action test add !say.hello none cmd:/say I'm %player% hello all ('/' Is needed if the command enterer is player 'false')
Console give the player 1 grass block
/npc action test add true none cmd:give %player% grass_block 1 (Permission Dosen't matter because Console have all the permissions - DON'T use the Negetive Permision '!') ('/' Is NOT NEEDED if the command enterer is Console 'true' - Console is not a player to use '/')
/npc action (npc-name) add (true/false - Use by Console) (none/permission - To set Permission) msg:&aHi %player_name% (USE false HERE) ('!' permission can be use for negetive) (%player% is ServerNPC placeholder but placeholdersapi support)
Send greting to player by intracting the npc
/npc action test add false none msg:&aHi %player%
Send greting to player by intracting the npc but needs the permission 'say.hello' you can give 'say.hello' to players that you want to intract with npc
/npc action test add false say.hello msg:&aHi %player%
Send greting to player by intracting the npc but most not have the permission 'say.hello' you can give 'say.hello' to players that you don't want to intract with npc
/npc action test add false !say.hello msg:&aHi %player%
Here a cool way to add message
false|none|msg:&ahere a grass
true|none|cmd:give %player% grass_block 1
false|say.hello|msg:&ahere a grass cool guy
/npc action (npc-name) add (true/false - Use by Console) (none/permission - To set Permission) sound:ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES (USE false HERE) (Only use negetive permission '!' or none - because it's throw a unwanted message)
Sound list can be found here:
Play the sound for a player
/npc action test add false none sound:ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES
/npc action (npc-name) add (true/false - Use by Console) (none/permission - To set Permission) wait:2000
(USE false HERE) (It is in MILISECONDS - 2000 = 2 Second) (Only use negetive permission '!' or none - because it's throw a unwanted message)
Make an action to be dalyaed by 2 second
/npc action test add false none wait:2000
You can make a player to bypass the delay by giving them a permission and negetiving it
/npc action test add false !say.hello wait:2000
You can add delay between all actions
/npc action (npc-name) add (true/false - Use by Console) (none/permission - To set Permission) server:survival
(USE false HERE) (It is in MILISECONDS - 2000 = 2 Second) (!permission can be use for negetive but not recommended to set a permission)
You need the ServerNPC BungeeCord Addon plugin to be instaled on bungee server (no config needed for this plugin) get it here:
Send a player to survival
/npc action test add false none server:survival
Send player to Survival server but need the permission 'go survival' you can give 'go.survival' to players that you want to be sended to the Survival server
/npc action test add false go.survival server:survival
Send player to Survival server but most not have the permission 'go.survival' you can give 'go.survival' to players that you don't want to be sended to survival
/npc action test add false !go.survival server:survival
Here a cool way to send a player to your survival server
Last updated
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