Holograms Usage

How to use HolographicsDisplay with ServerNPC and PlaceholderAPI

Getting Started

First, see how to setup the hologram system!

Holograms Installation

Once everything is installed, let's continue!

Create your first hologram

Use the command below to set your first hologram into your npc.

/npc holo {npc name} add {message}

/npc holo npc1 add Hello! I'm a hologram :D

Add placeholder to Holograms

To update placeholders you need this placeholders before the message.

  • {fastest} - 0.1 seconds.

  • {fast} - 0.5 seconds

  • {medium} - 1 seconds

  • {slow} - 5 seconds

  • {slowest} - 10 seconds.

In this case, i'm using the {medium} placeholder.

/npc holo {npc name} add {medium}{message}

/npc holo npc1 add {medium}Hello &e%player_name%

Last updated